Lights and Sirens

Every now and again, I have a the “a-ha” moment.  The 15 months of personal sacrifice, grueling study/clinical hours, no sleep and mental anguish seems somewhat worth it.  My job as a paramedic is mostly filled with non-emergent calls, drunk people and silly drama.  Yesterday was a different story. I’m usually so numb to the…

Same ish, different day. WHERE ARE YOU, SPRING!?!?!?!?!?

Cat 4 Dating

In my search for cycling mediocrity, I’ve also found myself in the midst of what I like to call “Cat 4 Dating”.  It’s hard enough to mingle and mesh with those of the opposite sex, without the added stress of training to be something more than terrible.  Hell, dating in and of itself is a nightmare,…

“Pretty girl from Tennessee”

There are moments during our childhood when we sit back and question our progress.  Am I good enough?  Am I making my parents proud?  Do they even love me?  All those years of building ourselves into something socially functional (or not) can be quite surprising in the end.  One day, we wake up, and what…

Heart and Soul

In spite of my recent relapse to the steel framed world, I’ve decided now is the time to push my training to the next level.  By next level, I mean, STRUCTURED WORKOUTS.  I tried to flail around on my own for a little bit, and while I am certain I had some pretty awesome training days,…